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Giants and Time Travelling in Mahabharata

Gold Making Process of Ancient India

 New Delhi  , 27 /05 /1942 : An unusual thing happened at Birla Mandir  New Delhi  , it shows that India had a glorious past in terms of science .

   A secret is hidden in the vatika of Delhi's famous Birla Temple.Its testimony is given by the scholars of India.The walls of the  yagyashala of Birla Temple are probably beyond time.There is something written on those walls that will stop at the speed of time. That day Pandit Krishnapal Sharma coverted mercury into gold infront of Prime Minister of All India Hindu Sevak sangh, Mr.Amritlal B. Thakkar , Secretary of Birla Mills Mr. Goswami ganesh Duttji Lahore, Chief Engineer Sri Wilson and a few others .
A similar inscription  is also found at varanasi”s  birla temple .In which it is written that pandit krishnapal Rasavaidya performed some experiment  and he converted mercury into gold .later 18 kg  gold is donated to SAMADHAN DHARMA PRATINIDI SABHA .
The main question is that  did pandit krishnapal invented this technology  or he just reinvented  it .This story goes back to ancient times ,There have been great chemists named Nagarjuna in ancient India. There are different opinions about their date of birth and place of birth. According to one opinion he was born in the 2nd century and according to another opinion Nagarjuna was born in the year 931 in a fort called Daihak near Somnath in Gujarat.
Nagarjuna did a lot of research on chemistry and metallurgy. He wrote many books on chemistry in which 'Ras Ratnakar' and 'Rasendra Mangal' are very famous. Shocking discovery was made by Acharya Nagarjuna thousands of years ago by making gold from mercury.This wonderful lore was discovered to deal with emergencies in the state.
In a situation like famine, the state treasury should not be empty, so gold was made from mercury . Also a teacher named Bhikshu Govind described the process of making gold in 18 chapters, describing 18 rites of mercury. Later Acharya Bhairavananda also mentioned this in his book, but the language of his book is confusing. This wonderful lore is also mentioned in many texts and books of the country. It is mentioned in the 12th century books Rasprakash Sudhakar, Rasendra Chudamani and Rasendra Mangalam.
