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Giants and Time Travelling in Mahabharata


                         BIOLOGICAL  EVIDENCE  OF  MAHABHARATA

Since my childhood days i am questioning  myself that our epic Mahabharata  is a real story or just a story written in Sanskrit language . After visiting several places in India now i can say that Mahabharata Story's  are true (as per my assumption ) . Today i discuss with you one and only biological evidence from Mahabharata , that is Parijaat tree .

      Parijat tree located in Kintur village under Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh state (India). This tree protected by the Government of India is important culturally and mythologically. It links this to events in the Mahabharata.

Mythological significance:-
It is believed that the village of Kintur is named after Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas. When Dhritarashtra gave Pandu sons anonymous residence, the Pandavas had resided with their mother Kunti in the forest here. During this period, Kunteshwar Mahadev was established in village Kintur. In order to worship Lord Shiva, Mother Kunti expressed her desire to bring Parajit flowers from heaven. According to the wishes of his mother, Arjun took this tree from heaven and installed it here.

The second myth is that once Sri Krishna along with his beloved queen Rukmini came to the Ravatak mountain in a Vrododapan ceremony. At the same time Narad came in with a flower of Parijat in his hand. Narad presented this flower to Sri Krishna. Shri Krishna gave this flower to Rukmini and Rukmini applied it to her hair shoe. The slaves of Satyabhama ( another wife of lord krishna ) , who was standing nearby, reported this to Satyabhama. When Shri Krishna reached Satyabhama's palace in Dwarka, Satyabhama persisted in bringing the Parijat tree. Then krishna  invaded Indra and brought Parijat tree to Dwarka on earth to bring Parijat in heaven to appease Satyabhama and from there Arjun installed this Parijat in Kintur.

According to locals , considers the age of this tree between 1000-5000 years. Its stem will be 50 feet in height and about 45 feet in height .Whereby this unique  Parijaat tree of Kintur holds a special place in the world. In botanical  terms, PARIJAAT is known as Adansonia digitata and has been kept in a special category, because it does not produce either   its fruit or  its seeds, neither can its branch cuttings can be planted to reproduce a second Parijaat  tree. This is a unisex male tree, the botanist say, that  there is no such tree anywhere else to be found .There is another popular saying that, its branches do not break or dry out but shrink and disappear into the original trunk.

I am requesting  people around world please  take a scientific study on this subject . if anyone need help in this matter please contact with me through my email   -   anirbanroy2004@yahoo.com.

Note : All information is taken from wikipedia .
