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Similarity Between Noah Story and Hindu Mythological Story

  There is many similarity with Noah story and  matsya avatar story of hindu mythology .  For readers convenience i put together both story side by side .


Seeing the increasing sins on the earth, god decided to wipe out mankind from the earth and sent a deluge on the earth. According to Bible story  god ordered Noah to take seven pairs of male and female from all the pure animals of the earth and two pairs of male and female from all the unclean animals, and seven pairs of male and female from all the birds of the sky Take that ship. So that their existence on earth may continue. 

God also tells Noah to take all kinds of food items with him on the ship and keep them stored. Noah did everything according to the command of God. He built the ship and boarded the ship with his family and the animals, birds and animals as instructed by God. On the seventh day the water of the Holocaust started raining. The water rose and raised the boat above the ground level. The water spread on the earth increasing and the ship started floating on the surface of the water. So much water rose on the earth that it covered even the mountains.  All the living beings on earth died. God destroyed all the creatures on earth. Only those who were in the ark with Noah survived.


Matsya avatar

One day when Satyavrat Manu was doing puja ( worship God ) on the banks of the river..That fish was none other than Matsya Avatar, the first incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The fish told King Satyavrat that a demon named Higriva,  has stolen the Vedas. I have taken this incarnation to kill that demon. On the seventh day from today the earth will be submerged by the deluge and ordered him you must  arrange a big boat and on the day of Judgment, along with the seven sages, get on the boat carrying all kinds of creatures and medicinal seeds. I will show you the way on the Day of Judgment.  

That day fish killed  the demon and Suddenly it started raining heavily and the water level started rising. After some time there was a flood. The boat wobbled and was about to capsize several times but Manu and all others were determined that Lord Vishnu would protect them. Then the fish came there as promised and said "Manu, tie the boat with fish horns using Vasuki's snake as a rope".

Matsya avatar  guide  boat  into the sea .During his journey  fish taught  king and other creatures  about  vedas .when strom ended everything  in this earth is destroyed .The fish left the boat on the snow mountain Where king and other creatures started  a new era .

Both the story is the almost  90% matches  each other . Please  read this story  and comment  if possible. 
